Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Poverty, easy accessibility to materials, and general life despair are
at the root of the meth epidemic, but they aren't the only ingredients
in the mix.

Smaller, rural areas are rife with methamphetamine production,
sales, and addiction. (There is no simple 'use;' using leads to chronic
need for this highly addictive--and highly destructive--drug.)

What's behind the lure?
Why are people not scared off by the obvious negative effects?
And what eradicates people's common sense and intellect when it
comes to this life-altering habit?

This is an exploration of all these themes, what to be on the lookout
for in your own life, as well as details of my personal Hell that emerged 
from the simple fact that two people moved in to the house next door
to me, a house where they began using, making, and dealing this
criminal toxin.

This is your Meth Education, and your Warning.



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